Firefox Aurora – get the latest version for Windows 8 and 9

Recently we advised users on the 20 best web browsers on the market. Well it turns out that that FireFox Aurora, which is meant to keep track with Windows 8 / 9 and beyond given it’s compatibility, is here to challenge the status quo and provide users with a unique experience.

In this article we will discuss: Where to download it quickly and some main features.

Main features of Firefox Aurora:

That all new responsive design:

The Aurora channel display has now entered the 26th and soon 27th version which is more useful for the responsive developer. Now that we have so many screen sizes accessing the browser and given the shift towards mobile – this feature cannot be highlighted enough.

Improved download speed:

Browsing is all about speed but also a balance of speed and quality. The Firefox display is so smooth yet it seems to be quicker than it’s competitors (Chrome, Safari and Internet explorer in particular)

Above we are featuring a youtube preview of Aurora – you cannot help but to try it out yourself, so go ahead and download it today – at least try it and let us know your feedback today.



Right, so you’d like to download it now? Here is the link:




Moving onto the reviews and discussions: What would we like users to share with us about Firefox Aurora?

1. Compare Firefox Aurora VS Google Chrome, Safari and Internet explorer

This will be useful from all users perspective and help people make smarter choices. Given that it is such a new browser – we want to see if it will hit the top10.

2. Rate Firefox Aurora’s capability for business:

If you use business apps etc. – we’d like to know how easy it is to use them with this new browser, or indeed whether there are compatibility issues.

3. Was it easy to download and install?

Tell us if you thought it was user friendly and easier than other products to use.

4. Customization: 

Did you manage to customize the browser to suit your needs – what tips can you share about specific enhancements for a better user experience?

Let us know your thoughts now:

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