Free Anthropology training courses online
Biological Anthropology: An Introduction The course is freely offered by the University of California, Berkeley. The course includes videos presented by Terrace Deacon who shared his views with his students on previous lectures.
Anthropology: An Introduction This is a free course offered by MIT and facilitated by Prof. James Howe. The course includes selected lecture notes and assignments that introduce students to the methods and perspectives of cultural anthropology.
Anthropological Theory Prof. Susan S. Slibey of MIT facilitates this course to online students by presenting lecture notes and assignments that introduces students to some of the major social theories and debates that inspire and inform anthropological analysis.
War and Peace Anthropology The course is a free one offered by MIT to online students who receive selected lecture note online that focus primarily on the War in Iraq.
Gender, Sexuality and Society Prof. Heather Paxson facilitates this course online to all interested students at no cost. The course teaches how people experience gender – what it means to be a man or a woman – and sexuality in a variety of historical and cultural contexts.
Anthropology Through Speculative Fiction This course with the help of two professors examines how anthropology and speculative fiction (SF) each explore ideas about culture and society, technology, morality, and life in “other” worlds. The professors are both from MIT and they provide assignments to students online too.
Documenting Culture This free course by MIT challenges distinctions commonly made between documentary and ethnographic films to consider how human cultural life is portrayed in both.
Gender, Power and International Development Prof. Christine Walley the instructor of the course at MIT offers this course freely online to interested students. The course considers the various meanings given to development by women and men, primarily as residents of particular regions, but also as aid workers, policy makers and government officials.
Technology and Culture This free course examines relationships among technology, culture, and politics in a variety of social and historical settings. The course is facilitated by Prof. Stefan Helmreich of MIT through selected lecture notes.
The cultures of Computing This is a free course offered by MIT to any interested students online. The students in this course will examine computers anthropologically, as artifacts revealing the social orders and cultural practices that create them.
The Anthropology of Biology This is a free course by MIT that examines the cultural, political, and economic dimensions of biology in the age of genomics, biotechnological enterprise, biodiversity conservation, pharmaceutical bioprospecting, and synthetic biology.
The Anthropology of Sound Prof. Stefan Helmreich of MIT indulges the students who take this free course online in discussions that examines the ways humans experience the realm of sound and how perceptions and technologies of sound emerge from cultural, economic, and historical worlds.
Anthropology of the Middle East This free course is offered by MIT to any interested students. The course examines traditional performances of the Arabic-speaking populations of the Middle East and North Africa.
The Anthropology of Cyber cultures Prof. Lucy Suchman of MIT takes interested students through this course online by explores a range of contemporary scholarship oriented to the study of ‘cyber cultures,’ with a focus on research inspired by ethnographic and more broadly anthropological perspectives.
Religious Anthropology This is a free course offered by Utah State University which provides lecture notes, videos, audio files and assignments. During the course, the students will analyze religion theoretically as a cultural phenomenon.
The Behavior of Primates The Behavior of Primates is a free course offered by Notre Dame University to students online. The students who take this course will explore the social lives of the nonhuman primates.
Cultural Anthropology The course is freely offered by the Utah State University and facilitated by Prof. Richley Crapo. The course covers the basic areas of anthropology including biological evolution, the prehistoric evolution of early civilizations, language, culture and social life, and the analyses of the nature and variability of human institutions.