
Electronics deals with electrical appliances and machines, for free courses try;

Signals and Systems Course
The course is freely offered by Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
teaching students the fundamentals of signal and system analysis,
focusing on representations of discrete-time signal and continuous-
time signals. Applications are drawn broadly from engineering and

Free Microelectronic Devices and Circuits
This course is offered by Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The
topics covered include modeling of microelectronic devices, basic
microelectronic circuit analysis and design, physical electronics of
semiconductor junction and metal-on-silicon (MOS) devices and
many more.

Electrical Power Systems: An Introduction
Here Prof. James Kirtley of MIT lectures the course online to interested students. Electric power has become increasingly important as a way of
transmitting and transforming energy in industrial, military and transportation

Electronics, Signals, and Measurement: An Introduction
The course if offered freely by MIT to provide students with a practical hand on introduction to electronics with the focus on measurements and signals. At the end of the course, the students should have practical knowledge necessary to work modern engineering setting.

The Theory of Electromagnetic  Wave
This is a free MIT course emphasizing on mathematical approaches, problem
solving, and physical interpretation. Topics covered include waves in media,
equivalence principle, duality and complementarity, Huygens ‘Principle, Fresnel
and Fraunhofer diffraction, dyadic Green’s functions, Lorentz transformation,
and Maxwell-Minkowski theory.

Fields, Forces and Motions of Electromagnets
This a free course at MIT that examines electric and magnetic quasistatic forms
of Maxwell’s equations applied to dielectric, conduction, and magnetization
boundary value problems.

 Free Electric Mechanics Course
The course is offered by MIT and it teaches students online an understanding of
principles and analysis of electromechanical systems and how to estimate the
dynamic parameters of electric machines and understand what the implications
of those parameters are on the performance of systems incorporating those

Nano electronics: An Introduction
This course is offered freely by MIT and it features a complete set of course notes
, which cover the bottom up approach to electronic devices.

An Advanced Approach of Analog Integrated Circuits
Here Prof. Simeone Gambini, a Professor at University of California takes students
through a series of videos that provide information related to Integrated Circuits.

Electronics: The Basics
In this Lectures Prof. T.S. Natarajan of the Dept. of Physics at IIT Madras gives
insights of the course as he shared with his students while in class

Digital Signal Processing in Electronics
The course is taught by Prof S. C Dutta Roy of the Dept. of Electrical Engineering
at IIT Delhi, gives a series of lectures on digital signal processing freely online in
form of videos.


Interesting facts about electrical and electronics engineering

  • In USA, the average salary for an electrical and electrical engineer is £ 12,041 – £33,966, with a bonus ranging from £0.00 – £1,031. For profit sharing, the electrical engineer enjoys £0.00 – £203.47. All these totals to gross earnings of £14,204 – £35,697.
  • For an electrical engineer in the city of New York, the average salary falls between $0.00 – $1,526, with a commission of around $5,000. In this city, the profit sharing ranges from $195.74 – $3,020, thus bringing a total of $33,920 – $76,280.
  • If you were in U.K, the salary would not be a minimum of £17,784 and a maximum of £45,243. Your bonus would be in the range of £0.00 – £5,009, which is slightly above U.S.A’s. Here, the profit sharing is £0.00 – £4,485, making a gross of £17,404 – £48,045.
  • As for the country of Brazil, Electrical engineers averaged $42.88 per hour, or $89,200 per year, as of May 2011, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The lowest-paid 10 percent made an average $26.30 per hour, or $54,710 per year, while the best-paid 10 percent earned an average $63.30 per hour, or $131,660 per year
  • Bottom line: This can be a lucrative career. In 2011, the median wage for an electrician was $49,320. The highest-paid earned north of $80,000, while the lowest-paid electricians earned around $30,000 that year.
  • The best-paying industries include motion pictures (where electricians are known as gaffers), and natural gas distribution. The best-paying cities include Vallejo, Calif., New York City, and Fairbanks, Alaska. An apprentice usually makes between 30 percent and 50 percent less than someone who is fully trained.